No matter your personal resolutions, prepare to welcome the new year with the traditional Japanese year-end cleaning called Osoji or Ōsōji (大掃除).
By cleansing your home of physical and spiritual clutter, dust, and grime, you release yourself from the “soot” (literal and metaphorical) of the past year. Once your home is clean and decluttered you will be able to welcome the new year with a fresh space and open mindset.
The beautiful thing about osoji is, everyone participates: be it the whole family, school, or office. The practice is a joyful time to reflect on the past and prepare for the coming new year.
We understand that taking on projects during one of the busiest times of year can sound overly stressful. But fear not! Regardless of how you incorporate osoji into your year-end plans, Yamazaki Home has clever products and simple solutions that will help you clean efficiently and organize like a pro for the year ahead.
We know that every home has “problem areas” … at least, ours do. This year, we’ve collected a guide of useful products and happy-making solutions that will make osoji easier and help keep your home more organized year-round.
Begin osoji with the right cleaning tools and you’ll be amazed at how dirt melts away.